
I'm so sorry for you. And so sorry that you didn't have others to step in.

The problem was that you were ALONE, not that your mother wasn't a good mother. Your mother didn't have a support system - as many women who have had to work outside the home have had for centuries. Had you had grandparents living in the house, your father, aunts and uncles around and cousins and siblings to play

Only recently have we expected only the mother and (not really) the father to raise a child 24/7. In the past (and even today in different cultures), it involved/involves a whole extended family (and, yes, a village). Do you think working a farm with several children guaranteed a lot of "quality time" with each

Now playing

Late to the party, but this is one of my favorite epic quits...

I thought exactly the same thing...

Joan was all eager to get a photo with Kim K backstage at the Tonight evidently Joan wasn't worried about getting her shots then...

If it's all about net worth, the Kardashians could probably buy and sell both of us. Their net worth is greater than the Obamas, too. But not everything's about money.

A comedian can joke about his own kids in public, but others can't. You know why? Because that comedian's joking is (hopefully) mitigated by his love for them - and Louis CK's comedy is a helluvalot more intelligent than Joan's insults.

Joan did go...where Kim and Khloe had her moved.

Sorry, who's making E! more money? Plus, joking about kids is off-limits.

The actor playing James Brown in the upcoming bio-film is not a big name. Imagine how ridiculous it would have been to go with Michael B. Jordan?

Have you seen "To Die For"? She was brilliant in it, although a Nicole-hating friend of mine says it's because she wasn't acting...

It helps voters focus less on their politicians' personalities and private lives and more on their policies. We Yanks are so wrapped up in whether politicians are likable, what their religion is, if they have good marriages, etc.: the royal family sops up all that attention in Britain. I'd gladly have a monarchy if it

Focusing on someone's private life can do as much damage as it can good: Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was alleged not to have lived a saintly life (there were reports of him being a womanizer) - and that would have damaged his credibility if that were known to the public. Many presidents have had affairs and messy

It's not as though Sam is the first gay person ever seen in the media: Ellen, Don Lemon, Rachel Maddow, Sam Champion, Robin Roberts - these people all do their jobs without having to resort to letting cameras into their private lives. Gay youths can look at them and be inspired without having to know what they have

Be careful there: it's easy to be a role model when people are focusing on how you perform professionally and conduct yourself in public: once you open the door to reality show, you're allowing everyone to scrutinize your private life, and private lives are not as neat and tidy. Jackie Robinson didn't need to let us

But at least Darnielle writes his own tweets. Rihanna? I refuse to believe a singer who writes next to none of the words she sings is as inventively bitchy on Twitter as Ri-Ri is. And let's face it, her lyrics aren't Cole Porter-level quality to begin she should be able to manage "Hey na nan, what's my

Yes: because the bodyguard was a neutral party who defused the situation, while Beyoncé getting involved would have likely caused even more drama (evidently, you've not been involved in violent domestic disputes before. I have been, and would have welcomed a bodyguard to break up family members). You have no idea

Her stepping in would have inflamed the situation more. There was a bodyguard there trained and paid to do that job.
