
Sorry...slip. You're right. It was late. Cheers...

But we both agree that Secretary Clinton has been the target of much racism. So that's something...

Let's get our terms straight: newscasters do not refer to Hillary Clinton as 'Hillary'. Pundits, hosts and interviewers of the ilk of Mario Lopez do. And these people are basically entertainers, as evident in your examples of questions you've given (I cannot imagine Brian Williams or Scott Pelly asking grandmother

Could we please stop with keeping the lowercase d in deGrasse when it is at the beginning of a sentence? All other words that start with a lowercase letter change that lowercase to uppercase at the beginning of a sentence (such as 'could' and 'all', which began the two sentences in this post).

People often referred to the second Bush as Dubya. People speak in shorthand, and most will refer a politician by his/her last name. With Ms. Clinton, it's complicated by her having taken her husband's last name.

Disagree here: and I'm a gay guy. Bird face: yuk...

True about Samantha Bee. I would hope that she was at least in the running, as she is HILARIOUS and, I think, she'd be more than capable of headlining a show. I do wonder where she was in the mix, too.

In JLaw's case, acting DEFINITELY pays better than customer service, which is a job many take because they can't get into their chosen field. Acting is the chosen field of 99.9% onscreen (although some want to direct).

I love Jessica Williams (and am indifferent to Lena Dunham), but there's a huge difference between doing a show four nights a week that is timely and based on the news and doing a series that is shot in advance based on one's life. I think there are precious few 24-year-olds, male or female, who would be up to taking

Let's be fair: Jolie's quote was actually, "I don't really have girlfriends in movies, if you've noticed...Well, I have a few girlfriends, I just... I stay at home a lot. I'm just not very social. I don't do a lot with them, and I'm very homebound."

I agree the backlash with Meryl is just hating. But I think the backlash with JLaw is more overexposure than her trying to be hip: between the Hunger Games trilogy, various X-Men flicks and the three movies that got her Oscar noms all in the space of four years, her familiarity is breeding contempt. The hip thing

When Streep was being nominated almost every year for an Oscar, there was a considerable part of the public who thought, "Oh, here she comes with another accent." People hated on her because her consistently good performances: "You can see she's acting, she's too perfect." Even Katharine Hepburn disliked her as an

Most of the entertainers you mentioned understood "How can I miss you if you never go away?": Lawrence has fifteen credits in the past four years (and Streep did have a period of backlash, BTW...)

"Church" for where you check your watch...

Many thanks...

She's like a living Christopher Guest mockumentary...

Her stand-up set probably runs longer than 2.5 minutes, so the development might be there: it wasn't here.

And here I was thinking that it was rumoured Kanye sidepiece Riccardo Tisci's attempt at sabotaging love rival Kim's big fashion moment.

Ouch. I wish I could star you more...

Sorry. I misunderstood you. I thought you were overlooking the Clintons' campaign flaws in favor of bringing up Obama's flaws. Disappointment all around.