
No, it doesn't make it OK. But people overlook both Clintons' long history of opportunism when it comes to race and sex: look at how easily Bill sold out Lani Guinier and Jocelyn Elders. The Lewinsky scandal proved that both Hillary and Bill would play on sexism to get what they want.

And Bill and Hillary both used racism in their campaigns against Jesse Jackson (remember Sista Soulja) and Obama. So it's a draw...

It's saddening, though, that Shonda Rhimes would put up with this. Of course, that's IF the complaints made it up to her, which probably is not the case: although I would hope that someone of Debbie Allen's stature would feel that she could go to Rhimes about Davis' behavior.

Madge, you and Sean were divorced in 1989. Rihanna was just teething. Gaga was being potty trained.

Wow. Then Ms. Wintour was doing Madonna a favor. (And peep that arm in Madonna's selfie: sorta scary)...

So, do all attendees submit photos of what they're going to wear for Anna Wintour's approval? And did she approve Kim Kardashian's disaster sofa look last year? I think not.

Well timed, but Jones completely missed what made it well timed: massa Donald Sterling, and "things were better for blacks in the slave days" Cliven Bundy. She was too lazy to make the connection that would have made it funnier AND potent.

Sorry, disagree: and if you're a comedian and you're going to broach the subject of basketball and slavery this week without touching on Donald Sterling and Cliven Bundy, then you're just lazy.

Well stated. Plus, she brought up basketball players to boot. All she had to do was start singing "Mammy", and the act would have been complete.

Well stated. Plus, she brought up basketball players to boot. All she had to do was start singing "Mammy", and the act would have been complete.

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. I cannot star you enough.

Had Jones made the joke once and been brief about it, then moved on, it might have worked.

If you don't realize that words like funny, delicious, entertaining and beautiful are all subjective, then I don't know what to say. Perhaps I should have prefaced what I wrote with "I feel" or "I think" - but I thought it was clear that, as I was the one writing, that I was stating my opinion.

And I can only speak for myself. I thought the fact that posts have names on them to denote who wrote them made that clear.

But the joke went on too damned long and stopped being funny (like many SNL sketches).

But the absurdity works for about five seconds. She didn't develop the idea, so she ended up sounding like Cliven Bundy.

The main problem is that Jones' bit just was not funny: if she's going to tackle something heavy like this, she needed to illuminate the subject. As it was, she just seemed to be cooning.

My apologies. I should have written "edibles" as a noun, not "edible" as a verb. Sorry (and "mailable" rather than "mailable")...

Oh, and I believe psychological injury would probably be more of a civil matter: if the underlying prank was not a crime (in that the cupcake ingredients are all things edible), then infliction of emotional distress would not be a mailable offense.

Again, if the ingredients were indeed poisonous, then she would be guilty of assault: and I would agree with that verdict. That has not been established.