
As always, Mike's plan was ingenious. And as always, as I sat and watched him put it together, I had no idea what he was up to. So the payoff was as beautiful as ever. Even though when I first saw the shoes at the start, I knew they would be be re-introduced again later for some reason, as it was too deliberate just

Haha, who pissed on your cornflakes?

Sifting through thousands of documents is something law firms are used to and a company like HHM would have the resources certainly. That's what all the underpaid minions are left to do in the basement!

Was it so obvious to Jimmy? Chuck has played it straight everytime up until now, being Slippin' Chuck isn't a tactic Jimmy would expect from his brother. He gave Chuck the option a few weeks back before he doctored the documents, to play dirty and Chuck turned him down.

Kim was left in an impossible situation by Jimmy. Once MV switched to her and she was aware of what took place for her to get the account back, she couldn't hold her hands up and tell the truth. That would mean sabotaging her own reputation and career before it even started in a solo practice. Telling MV it was

I think that applies to any machine post 2002.

From my understanding, photocopiers, particularly modern day versions, have a hard drive. So a copy of every document scanned or copied has a digital copy stored on the machine.

And it has been confirmed that Fring's Back was coded into the titles and we will see him again - at some point - in season 3!

It really still is Chuck's word against Jimmy's. Sure he has a 'confession' on tape but within the context of the scenario, Jimmy can always play it off as he was lying to convince his brother to change his mind. The reality is, there is no evidence at all. if the photocopy guy sticks to his story, the cameras are

By leaving someone tied up on the road, the chances are that
someone would find them and call the police, given the circumstances they’d been found in. Mike was lecturing Pryce because he knew Pryce was nowhere near savvy enough to deal with the police, plus he wasn’t actually arrested, so he wasn't oblged to sit down

Maybe lazy is the wrong word but pushing up the dramatic bar that far felt unnecessary. Jimmy being there at the same times as Ernesto is one thing, then Chuck hitting his head and Jimmy being there to see it felt too neat. A short to cut to raise the stakes too quickly. I felt the same with Ted, although in the

I think Chuck would need solid ground in which in to acquire that court order and as it currently stands, he has zero evidence bar his own logic, to show a judge. I can't see him getting too far with that. And anyway, that blow to the head might pre-occupy him for some time yet, if not for good…

No that wasn't his car. It looked like a generic clapped out old banger and the driver wouldn't have taken note of his license plate, so I can't see how he would've tracked it down.

Not too sure about the ending of this weeks episode. Appearing at the photocopying shop at the same time as Ernesto was one thing but these sort of smaller coincidences have to happen to help create some dramatic effect, I get that. This isn't real life. But having Chuck fall and smack his head off the counter was

Is the Mesa Verde account ever confirmed as Kim's officially? All we see is her perception of what happened. She received a double thumbs up not from the decision maker but his right-hand woman, who we already know personally likes Kim. No internal discussions had taken place as they were still at lunch, so those

And are we going to see the moments when Mike and Gus come across each other's paths in the final episode of this season?

As sneaky and destructive as Jimmy's actions may be for a Chuck, the moment when he regretfully looks back at the document boxes after Chuck leaves the room shows that we still have some time to go before Saul comes to the fore. Jimmy reacts in anger to the Mesa situation but once Chuck touches upon their brotherly