
For some reason I don’t feel like blaming the loss on the only guy who scored points for his team yesterday.

I think it is very possible they tried to get into the stadium to kill many more people. The increased security due to President Hollande being there probably helped quite a bit. Even though any loss of life is unacceptable here, I doubt these terrorists were trying to only kill about 3 people.

It takes a very special sort of douchebag to make Bryce Harper look like a decent human being.

Also, if they shut him down, maybe that’s an MVP award (LDS, LCS, WS, etc.) he will be kept from winning and earning him more money later on.

I'm genuinely curious; given the plethora of online pricing tools, large volume of dealerships, competition out there— why would a consumer need a broker, especially for a Honda?

I could definitely see someone using your services for, say, an Aston Martin DB4 or a new Rolls, but...a Honda? To be honest it sounds like

Perhaps the dumbest headline possible for an exceptionally dull article. Kudos, I guess.