Steven Peterson

Anything that ends with Kesha doing a "stolen" private home video is ok with me

I never understand rich peoples desire to live around annoying rich people.

The idea that Carter has them going back to just being partners in busting monsters…hmmm seems like a step backwards but oh well.

A bunch of dudes dressed like ladies throwing bricks is one Benny hill song away from being absolute parody.

I explained your reasoning to my wife on the way to see this movie and she got a good laugh out of it, thanks!

sounds like a pointless exercise that you should abandon

ugh why is everything so problematic?

bonus card, dip it in pepsi first

I think it's a simple distinction, actors and actresses are a collective group of clowns whose antics are suited only to be mocked. No offensive to real folks dealing with problems by mocking art gallery rape.

This is every day of my life in Skyrim.

Truly taking a mans reputation is the ultimate American hustle.

We need to find out who has been supplying Cosby with 30 years of Forget-me-now pills.

This dude is a chump


I remembered the tattoo chick but must of blacked out the fact that she was magic. Good lord.

Sorry your pretend TV boyfriend did something untoward.

I started reading this and proclaimed "no…" but then I allowed this articles fingers to slide inside me and gasped "yes"

I hope he takes one look at me and cracks a imported bottle of beer over my skull.

One more lame ass joke like this and I'm Team Ellroy

God bless him.