

True, but I would like to see a serious thrashing of the upcoming Tesla roadster. On the track with equivalent cars in the price range... which at most likely $90K+, is some serious competition.


Nuclear Powered Airplane...Courtesy of Thunderbirds are Go!- circa 1966. Because Awesome.

These are very nice!

Nope. That think looks like a horrible love spawn from an SVX and a 200SX... that got budgety lambo door kit.

You mean those who desire to pay oodles of money to their mechanic, while losing more in depreciation... so they can sell their 90K car for 5K in 5 years.


*used to be unkillable. The last good ones were the square ones from the 80’s. Now... they are knock off Tahoes without the toughness. We looked at them when we were trading our 06 Navigator.

The answer is Cadillac ESV Platinum.

ICK!. What is that hideous thing? It looks like stance nation got a hold of an Aspire.





I am voting NP... because I am Italian, and it is a cardinal sin to vote down anything related to Frank.

Agreed. This would be Elvis’s car. Surprised that Jay Leno doesn’t own it already.

But how is their build quality? I mean a Chevy Truck with high miles, will still give decades of service, but a Kia with high miles is a time bomb. So, are the dancers more on the decently maintained GM Truck side... or do they lean more to the Lada with a body kit side?

But, there are spare parts available for the dancer...right? A little tune up and she should be good as new!

Test driving these could be interesting. Can they be rented for the weekend?