
i have worked with these type of machines for years and there is one thing that is certain about ALL of them...they will jam and they will jam often...wonder what happens when that occurs? but still not a bad idea...certainly saving trees, paper production and transportation cost.

Well put...i agree completely. they violates someone's "human rights" by doing something so heinous that they are confined to such a place, i don't see why they should be entitled to be treated any differently then they treated their victims. this is just a bunch of holier than thou architects that have nothing better

that's brilliant....i think?

i know perpetual motion is not possible, but yet somehow congress has perfected perpetual inertia.

that was nothing but FUN!!!!!!!!!

YEAH!!!! i win !!! have the most participants of any thread on this!!!!1 thanks guys...see you soon

wow! what a genius! brilliant comment.... you must have been on the debate team in prep school. glad to see you're (not)mature enough to realize people have opinions that are not as liberal minded as yours. ('re probably too retarded to realize this is sarcasm).

i'm in health sorry to disappoint you. and it's sad that you think anyone cares about a 50 year old cartoon that no one has thought about or been interested in and it's implications on life in a world with the problems and complexities of today societal issues.

yeah i know...that's the point...he did this because he wanted to!!!!! it would make more sense if someone would of had a gun to his head. this way he could of used the excuse that someone MADE him do it.

WAIT?????? you just spent 6 months of your life writing about the Jetsons?!?!?!??!?!WTF?!?!?!?!? you couldn't find anything more compelling? interesting? important? to expend your energy and talent(?) on?????