Oh, I dunno man, the only real benefit I see coming from the Note 4, is a slightly thinner chassis. Apart from that, the slippy material looks a little risky, and everything else looks the same.
Oh, I dunno man, the only real benefit I see coming from the Note 4, is a slightly thinner chassis. Apart from that, the slippy material looks a little risky, and everything else looks the same.
Yes, but I think the JW team will be very wary of this, and will hopefully build in redundant systems, and test every single thing that could possibly go wrong. And won’t launch the telescope until they are 100% certain it will be fine.
Because light travels in all directions, and can therefore be bent from more than one direction, to converge in the same location. Imagine firing two jets of liquid metal (random, I know,) either side of a powerful magnet. By the time they have flowed past the magnet on the other side, the jets’ trajectory will have…
Yeap, gotta agree, if you’re gonna do cardio, you’re better off doing it outside (unless you’re in Canada, and it’s winter :’( )
They have high nutritional value though, so you’re not just eating empty calories. They contain protein, and vitamins. The fat that they do contain is not artificial, and can actually be beneficial to your heart health. They contain no cholestoral. Snacking on nuts and dried fruit is way better for your health than…
Fruit juice is a false economy. Pretty much all fruit juices and soda in NA are totally packed to the gills with sugar. Learn to love water, or find a low sugar cordial drink that you can dilute with water. If not that, start drinking sugar free sodas, until you can ween yourself off sugar/soda completely. I used to…
I think the word “snack” just generally = unhealthy anyway. Try adjusting your meal portion size, so you don’t feel hungry between meals (if you’re feeling hungry.) That would be the healthiest tip.
Also, people saying “all the games are the same,” are probably the same people that pay $70 for the latest CoD turd every year.
“and now that God has blessed me with some success” - End of article.
Such great memories of playing the original games in coop with my bro. Played SS3 when it was released, I am a little older now, but I still enjoyed the hell out of that game.
Step 1 should be to stop feeling so sorry for yourself, and get on with sorting your life out. Step by step. Nobody likes a whiner, especially women. Start piecing it all back together, find a way to re-build your confidence, and happiness / relationships will just be a side-product.
Yep, plain and simple. Animal abuse.
Yep, how many more years now until he just gets tired of video games? I give it another 5-10 years tops.
I’m not sure how much of this is 100% legit. I mean, if it is, then I doubt many people would stay there for more than 3 months.
Yes, I cannot stress this enough. If your GF ever asks “Do you think X is cute? Don’t worry, I won’t be mad.” It’s a friggin’ trap, and you will be on the receiving end of silent treatment for the rest of the night.
You lock them in your house against their will, and probably train them to follow your commands. I don’t see any whales getting beaten. The difference is, your dogs are occasionally allowed outside the house. Do you leave your dogs alone in the house when you go to work? I know many people do this. Is that not also…
Read the original Doom manual :P
It also had one of the worst sci-fi themed episodes of ALL TIME.
:-| ...... :-) ...... Acting.
TNG will always be best for me, because of the music. I first started watching it with my dad back when I was an impressionable kid, and the atmospheric synth and cheesy model planet used to blow my tiny mind at the time. I get excited every time I hear the opening chime now, and I’m 30.