
I’m hoping Stan & Ollie will be better... I like John C Reilly but I have never been a big fan of Will Ferrell, who seems to predicate his career on thinking that becoming the most annoying character ever is really funny...  Unpopular Opinion: Elf sucked...

Many people in Milwaukee have a bottle opener on their keys.  Many others can open a beer with a lighter.  I never learned that trick.

I’m not a Milwaukee native, but I have lived here for just over 15 years. While I can not say that Milwaukee is an absolute style, your study is severely flawed. First of all, Nestle..? Second, ask just about anyone from Chicago about anything Milwaukee and you’re gonna get a negative response. I grew up in McHenry

Hear, Here!!! In America, you can steal more money with a brief case that anyone ever could with a gun... They only call it Class Warfare when the poor decide to stop taking the shit from the rich... It’s high time we has some Class Warfare... We need a general strike and barricades in the fucking streets!!!