Steve McCann

Yup. It doesn't seem like the Center originally planned for the next generation of spies idea nor had any thought at all for the kids when they got old. Most likely they would have expected the kids to remain ignorant their entire lives.

Yes. I think we've seen the missions Phillip and Elizabeth go on underscore that the Soviets are already far behind the US at this point and are increasingly desperate.

They could and maybe they did, but that would be more like "turning" an American than recruiting one of their own countryman, in their eyes.

The point was that she would have an impeccable cover story. She has an American birth certificate. She's had teachers and classmates and neighbors who have seen her grow up. All of that matters if you're trying to get a security clearance to work for the US government.

And how much did Season 6 really show her redeeming herself with the new new Glee club? She had Kurt, Blaine, Mercedes, Sam, and Mr. Shue doing a lot of the coaching.

Agree. Quite an oversight. Although Santana and Brittany at least got their happy ending and some character development via their wedding plot earlier in the season.

I'm sure some would say LOST was that way. (Although there are some great episodes in the later episodes, particularly season 5)

I just watched the brilliant pilot and the pretty great second episode of season 1 and in both the characters reference REGIONALS not sectionals. Which they introduce in mid season 1 to fill time, essentially.

And now they pretend to not take themselves seriously by having Sue or Kitty say meta-critiques of the show right before they do things like, I dunno, decide a previously well-established character is transgender and should teach us a lesson. Even though they already had a transgender character!

Yup. Hop on that.

I watched the episode - this review is as clear as it could be. The episode was a complete farce. Very low budget, but at times amusing.

Maybe it's better the writers don't get to ruin them.