
Sorry! This is rock music. 

The first sentence you quoted is missing "for a rock record," which was just added and should show up in a few minutes.

Luke is a very tough guy. Just ask him.

Push the play button and find out. Or click a link and read a review. This is the Internet. It's not difficult to learn about new things. 

I interviewed Pollard twice in the early '00s, and I thought he was great.

I would love to talk to Pollard for OTM. We shall see …

I fully support a Reigning Sound thread on this story. Nothing but love and curses for that band. 

Again? Really? I'm all for squeezing every last ounce of comedy out of the Dawes meme, but you guys are just posting this out of rote at this point.  There's a joylessness to it that seems really depressing. I'm guessing you don't need more depression in your lives, do you?


Sure, but we're talking about different kinds of bands. Obviously Wilco and Radiohead aren't models for ALL rock bands, but certain kinds of bands as I've defined them above ("alt" or "indie" or whatever). Just as REM was a model for a certain kind of band in its days (and GNR a model for others).

Luke, I beg you to call your next band (or song) "Twat-ish Tendency." 

Oh Luke, you call me out for making an "ad hominem" attack, and yet you keep making broad generalizations about "rock critics." No hypocrisy there? Though I did laugh out loud about the garage-punk thing. What are you calling this music now? Louis? Barry? Charlie? C'mon, man! I need some cool-guy underground schooling

Rock as a genre might be less significant, but these bands are still models, which is my central argument. The marginalization of rock music is a whole other topic. 

Luke! Long time no speak. Of course I disagree with everything you just posted, but it's good to hear from you. I gotta say, knowing that you tend to listen to same-sounding garage-punk bands, I find your "they're doing nothing new" argument faulty. Isn't all the music that you like based in revivalism? Also, seeing

Not really! (Read the story, you'll see.)

Yeah, except those bands you mentioned either pre-date Wilco/Radiohead or came out around the same time. Also, if you read that graf, I said they were a template for important/prominent INDIE-rock bands. I really think that the way they've conducted their careers has inspired other bands in a way that's similar to

You're welcome! Glad I could brighten your noteworthless (?) life. 

I was talking about the multiple levels of exploitation occurring here. And the fact that Stone likely prefers living in a van because he's been coked to the gills for 40 years. 

We cover a broad spectrum of music on this site. I'm sorry you don't feel that way, but the "anonymous guys on the Internet named Jimmy who are into super cool, non-dad things" demographic is even narrower than cool dads.

It's not a question of whether the record is "experimental" or whatever. SKY BLUE SKY wasn't experimental, but IMO, that record has more capital-G great songs ("Impossible Germany," "Either Way," "Side With The Seeds") than TWL has. It also hit me harder emotionally; that record is about coming to terms with