Steven Geller

There was no compelling proof that the football were deflated by man, and they could easily have been deflated by the weather, or not properly checked at all by the refs before the game. If the Patriots had a system for deflating the footballs, it would stand to reason that they'd done this many times before. No one

Well, there might be, assuming that the balls actually were tampered with and didn't just lose air on their own, though many scientists have asserted this. Or it is possible that the league simply doesn't check the psi in footballs and they were given to the officials at a low PSI because Brady likes them light for

They did have the lowest fumble rate in the league in 2015, when the balls were ostensibly legal. Maybe they're just a well-disciplined team. Just sayin'.

So terrible and bafflingly unnecessary that it compelled me to comment here, after years of watching hundreds of episodes of all sorts of shows and not posting comments.