
It’s spelled grammer.

What the hell are you on about? You’ve posted this or something similar on like every other comment.

taco truck vendors

Maybe that’s true.

Downtown, campus, and parks still have lots of players in my city. Back in July you’d see people just walking up and down the streets, that doesn’t happen as often. But people are definitely still playing.

2k EXP when next level is at 80k is useless

Now you’re using it to get +10CP or +20CP which is not worth at all.

stardust - still have no idea what is it for

The point is, the game is designed to where collecting Pokéstops often involves looking at your phone while you’re walking—whether to follow your avatar on the map or to look for pokémon spawning around you. The person was just walking, and walked off a cliff—not trying to walk off the cliff.

if it becomes a habit

Heck yes! I actually started out on the site when it was and they were purchased by IGN to become - those were the days.

That’s just honestly not how people “making malware” analyze threat surfaces.

Squee! Lady-Gaston is my favorite, ever.

I think one of two things is going on:

Lately, Prime has looked more and more like a way for Amazon to sell/rent movies than to offer streaming like Netflix. I can’t find a single damn thing to watch that is both critically-acclaimed and recent-ish that I haven’t already seen (and I don’t watch that much, so ideally there would be tons left) or that isn’t

I would support this if Star Wars: Rebels aired simultaneously or even switched over to Netflix. Some providers don’t even offer Disney: XD.

Hot take, bro. Maybe you should look up the word ‘sarcasm’ before you take another trip on the World Wide Web?

Guys, do NOT text pictures to the FBI. Call 866-OUR-VOTE if you see voter intimidation.

Gold/Silver have a special place in my heart, but I’m not sure I’d rank them better than Red/Blue.

I was watching - he ran out of people to talk to.