
all of them despise Trump but they just can’t let go

The biggest difference is that HDMI can pass higher-resolution audio, including the formats found on Blu-ray: Dolby TrueHD and DTS HD Master Audio. These formats can’t get transmitted across optical.

The biggest difference is that HDMI can pass higher-resolution audio, including the formats found on Blu-ray: Dolby

My money is on late February, early March. She’ll be single by summer.

Playing long game means you get to play to your strength.

Because some of us don’t watch Fox News, it is nice to be informed about what is going on over there.

They are all padded. Keeps you from pinching your perineal nerve (which can cause impotence).

See, this is just more MSM lies. What Trump said was “sitting on a bed that weighs 400 lbs.” Learn your pronouns. “Who” is for people, “that” is for objects. It’s the bed that weighs 400 lbs. Typical liberal lies. Jeeze Louise.

They do, though - within minutes of his comment in the debate, people found not only the “chinese hoax” tweet but tweets about heavy snow in the South.

It was definitely ordinary dental plaque.

Wait, um, who--what? TRUMP is a “world leader”? Since when, fucking exactly?

There aren’t that many peoples?

Just casually suggest watching “Quantico” on Netflix.

Israel gained control of the city during a very questionable military exercise during a systematic campaign of violence and oppression of the Palestinian people

How do more people not get shot during tailgates?

Oh, burn!

From the closing lines:

A) what the fuck are children doing on The Slot, and

Eh, it’s really over-processed. Promo materials are usually a lot easier on the eyes.

Based on her unwillingness to move her left hand, I am going to assume that is an extension.

No. That’s wrong.