
In my city, that's a health code violation. It doesn't matter what the Yelp review says.

Well sure, but Modi is especially reviled in Pakistan, where the line between military and government is especially thin. So there's a limit to how far into bed we want to climb with India, I think, just to build a fence around China and remind Pakistan what it means when they call us a "fair-weather" friend.

This, I think, is why you still see so many Volvos and Saabs in college dorm parking lots. Hell, that's why I had one.

It was way too buggy at launch. Everyone in my group of "gaming" friends who was on the fence saw how buggy it was and moved on to Wildstar or something else, regardless of how pretty the game was or how fun it looked. Why pay for a game you can't play? It was just a totally botched launch. I also think the phased

Meh. I preordered through GMG for like a 10-15% discount, which came with a free month, which got extended due to the absolutely horrible release bugs. I resubbed for either 2 or 3 more months, long enough to beat the main story and start to check out some of the Veteran and PVP content (neither of which did much for

Aren't those for women? Warm feet = better O. That's definitely science. But for dudes?

Infinitely false. I have a coworker who insists on leaving banana peels in the parking lot. There are like a dozen at any given time, black and shriveled, under a cloud of flies, even in the summer when (presumably) they would rot and/or become fodder for wandering raccoons the quickest. That tells me it takes at

Ugh. I met a guy who was some sort of self-described "revolutionary." I did the Barbara Walters ("that must have been difficult for you, when _x_") for about two hours and when I checked my phone on the way back from the loo HE HAD ALREADY TRIED TO FACEBOOK FRIEND ME.

Grad students, for one.

But that's not the same company. That one went out of business and the name was bought by the new company selling preppy clothes.

Okay, not calling total bullshit on you but where exactly does the idea that lower speed limits increase deaths come from? And I assume the "red light cameras increase accidents" is from people slamming on their brakes instead of running the light? But I bet the yellow light would have given them plenty of time if

And if you don't have a kitchen supply store in your town (I don't), try Wasserstrom online. You can buy anything there, and it's the company used by quite a few national chains.

Whee! I enjoy this more than the "exploit" version of speedrunning, so thanks for sharing.

I'm just hesitant to spend £40 ($60) on an unfinished sandbox game. That's a lot of quid.

Um, no. The q-angle tends to be different between men and women, but has NOTHING to do with whether your legs should be open when you're sitting down.

"two analog sticks at the same time"

Yeah, I don't see a preventative maintenance hangar for GlobalHawk here making any sense.

"But you sound like a pretty actively inclusive, friendly person. I'm sure you inspire lots of people to get out there and fight injustice."

All fair points. And to be fair, we can have that kind of back-and-forth here, which I haven't figure out how to do on Tumblr or how to do on Facebook without being deleted/blocked. Thanks for your thoughtful reply.

"literally NO ONE I have seen is criticizing white people who respectfully showed up to rallies and followed the lead of the people in charge."