
You're backwards. Processed sugar is sugar. Fructose is fructose. It's digested differently than glucose and sucrose. Different proportions of fructose, sucrose, and glucose in your diet have different effects on your metabolism. That doesn't mean it's bad for you. It's not. It's just digested differently.

Sure. But the processing itself doesn't make the food "not food."

Yeah. That's my point.

I don't eat Twinkies. Not because they're "processed" but because they're nothing but carbs and fats.

Fair point. I retract my earlier statement.

If it means I get to live on a spaceship and have cute little robots bring me towels and stuff as I lay out by the pool and drink free milkshakes, FUCK YES let me be a Wall-E person.

non-processed food? more pseudo-science. proteins are proteins. carbohydrates are carbohydrates.

IP isn't a detox. It's a managed, balanced-diet diet. You felt horrible during that first week because IP puts your body into ketosis during Phase I. So yes, it's "sugar" but really it's "low blood sugar," because your body was prevented from having any free glucose (which, by the way, is the brain's favorite food).

Did you read the article? Do you know anything about the human body? Limiting yourself to 200-calorie-a-day diets lacking protein and fiber is BAD for your body.

Actually, putting salt water "up that end" is physiologically indistinguishable from drinking salt water. They'd have the same effect. Osmosis is the transfer of ions from higher-concentration solutions to lower-concentration solutions. The salt would move into your bloodstream. Pure water would not flow out of your

Honestly, though, spoonulas are pretty handy. They still can't get anything out of the bottom corners of mayonnaise jar, but they are badass at almost everything else. I have 2. I want 20.

They don't. The organization effort was headed by VW itself. The rest of its plants are unionized, and according to press reports the company views unions as contributing to productivity and allowing it to manage seasonal/market-driven layoffs more efficiently.

Higher wages, job training, and job security are pretty obvious best interests. Unless I'm missing something.

On personal/consumer goods? Sure. But as a flat rule (which I suspect you're hinting at when you mention corporations and governments) you completely ignore the power of leveraging your assets. Which is BAD financial advice.

Having $100,000 enter and then leave your bank account does not require you to pay income taxes on $100,000. You can easily explain that you were involved in a business transaction, were only a custodian for the funds, and did not experience an "accession to wealth" in excess of your commission.

I grew up in the backseat of a 924 and it was fine. Then again, maybe that's why I'm so short now...

I think the bigger issue with drinking distilled water is that—based on your setup—the "contaminants" you are trying to remove can easily end right back up in the condensed water. Volatile organic compounds with boiling points below that of water will be all up in your business and re-absorbed into the "purified"

They're good for filtering out microorganisms, but not chemical impurities. Also, I don't think you can use them for any kind of extended basis on water as dirty as the picture at the top of the page. If you had a LifeStraw while hiking more than 40-50 miles from civilization, I bet nobody would make fun of you. If