
Nothing is unconstitutional when you have the Supreme Court in your back pocket.

The only thing holding his Trump rationalizations together is the fact that his presidency has not yet started. Thiel is going to look quite foolish in 6 months to a year when this disaster gets rolling. It’s about the only part of this I’m looking forward to. Then again, people like that are champions of

Truth be told, most published studies are statistical junk cranked out by the “publish or perish” desperados hoping for tenure and a hot grad student. In fact, a recent study showed that most professors are in the autistic spectrum.

There has been a fantasy created that genetic modification of foods is being done by benevolent scientist creating better foods for the world. This is not the reality. Genetically modified foods are being created by large corporations, so that they can own exclusive rights to various foods, like corn and potatoes,

Soylent is made from people! It’s people!

You aren't going to figure it out intellectually. Just try it out and you will have a much better understanding. The idea that our brains are currently working normally and that any aberration is abnormal is the real problem.

If you are going to seriously write about LSD or other hallucinogenics, you really need to try them. These studies can't really capture the essence of the experience.