
“The Democrat Party”?

I haven’t eaten meat since 1989 and I agree that a lot of the faux meat products don’t approach the real thing, but many of the “burgers” taste good in their own right and have been greatly improved over the years. That said, I would be curious to get a meat eaters opinion of the “Beyond Meat” burgers. They are as

The last couple of sentences say it all. Rotten Tomatoes has more honest reviews than “actual” critics, who are probably bought off. That is what Hollywood executives are complaining about: unbiased opinions of their crappy movies is hurting their profits. Here’s an idea: make better movies!

That is quite interesting. If true, perhaps we could develop a sonar system to guide the whales out of such situations.

White women voted for Trump.

It appears that stating, “The emperor has no clothes” infinitely will have no effect. I’ll try it one more time,though: We have an idiot narcissist in the White House. Please impeach this moron!

Not sure why you are responding to my comment. I’m pointing out that this story makes as much sense as a story stating that orange juice is bad for you because someone got sick drinking coffee. I’m not defending homeopathy. I’m saying this bracelet is not related to homeopathy. Whether homeopathy has any validity

Not sure what that has to do with my comment. I’m just saying that calling that bracelet homeopathy is like calling orange juice coffee. I’m not advocating for homeopathy.

Whatever one thinks of homeopathy, I don’t think this bracelet is homeopathic. It appears the manufacturer just co-opted the word to sell its product. 


This piece exemplifies why it is pointless to get involved with protests. They get taken over by people with personal agendas, who think they know all things and can talk down to people who just show up for the protest and might not be that into everything on the slate of the organizers. Tina is just never going to

The premise of your article is that he could be a dick if he wanted to, but hasn’t so far?

Facts are useless to these people. They have an agenda, and they are carrying out. In a sane world, they would all be locked up or at least prevented from working in any kind of position of authority. Sincerity is weakness and foolishness to them

There is no more news. It is theater. True, an occasional, actual historical event interrupts the usual daily manipulations that try to pass for news, but those events will quickly be swallowed up by the same propaganda machines. Getting it to this point has taken a few decades of cable news infotainment ratings

Yes, why worry about the future? Just keep repairing things every 5 years at the taxpayer’s expense, assuming you have the money.

Impressive rant. I share your sentiments

This is more focused on external, societally-deemed morality. It is more about modifying behaviors that we decide are immoral. A drug that actually makes a person more inherently moral, would need to enhance empathy. Some psychedelic drugs, such as Ayahuasca, psylocibin and LSD can do so, at least in the short run,

Anything creative in the tech industry just gets stolen by the big companies these days. It does not appear that the government is ever going to be on the side of the small startup company.

You think you need some rule like this to keep from cheating on your wife? It’s like abstinence for alcoholics, but eating dinner with a woman is just going to lead you down a path of sin? If that’s the case, then maybe you need the rules your religion provides, but it makes you wonder what is bubbling under the

Ghosts are (said to be) of the non material world. Therefore not made up of particles. Whether or not one believes in ghosts, I am not a fan of scientists who try to use science (generally incorrectly), to disprove a spiritual realm. They seem little different then the guy trying to prove Noah’s Ark existed 7000