Steve Smith

"NO Krieger! those were Shrinky Dinks!"
"And you wasted all my good markers!"

Perfect episode!!!

A episode!

lol I loved how Gene delivered pizza to the bathroom.

It's cute how Linda and Louise both always cheated on their book reports.

Not a great episode, but it deserve a renew just for being the only show it's kind that is currently on.

Is this shilling or advertorial? I can't tell

Episode Grade: A

"Are we on the same planet?"

Archer: "GOD! these people! It's always me me me "

he had some flings but nothing serious.

lol You never get tired of playing the contrarian card huh A.V?

only 3 more episode left, were almost done with this show.

That wasn't a very good episode.

Great episode, the staged house looked like the inside of a anthropologie store.

The penny/sheldon part was so sweet, they care so much about each other.

I loved how the stewardess brought two drinks and they were both for archer.

" you kept the fire extinguisher in your room"


wow, the media is really pushing this movie.