Strum und Drang

“Hey, hey, I may be selfish and useless but I, um... what was the third thing you said?”

Asshole only wore mask when not in front of cameras, but someone sneaked a shot.

Yeah, sure, but also fuck the Yankees. 

Anyone who thought this was something to be scandalized over has no business being around food prep. If you think Panera makes everything they sell there fresh every morning (or any other fast food restaurant for that matter), you are insane. There is a reason the food always tastes the same no matter what location

I’d be chill too if I was worth $50b. What’s James Dolan and Jeanie Buss going to do to Ballmer? As rich as Dolan is Ballmer could buy him with his loose couch  money. He could buy MSG Corp and set fire to all the assets and it would have an immaterial impact to his net worth.

Fuck Ryan and his bullshit Cool Hand Luke “gotta help him get his mind right” justification.

Large binder clips. They’re cheap to free if you can “borrow” them from work and fill all of the job requirements.

Large binder clips. They’re cheap to free if you can “borrow” them from work and fill all of the job requirements.

Probably the definition of both teams winning. Lakers dump players LBJ didn’t wanna play with and the Pelicans get 6 players. The 3 that are known can start there day 1, plus they get Zion and #4 this year which is still a quality player. It’s entirely possible they have a completely new starting 5.

It never gets old.  In fact, the more time that passes, the more fun it is to see how much is coming to pass.

That same afternoon, one of those very expensive defense lawyers argued that the police report describes so well a masseuse “manipulating Krafts’ penis” that there is no need to see the video; defense lawyers generally argue that everything in police reports is wrong.”

Bone to pick: this girl being trash isn’t a hall pass to disparage universities (USC and SDSU in this article alone) that a lot of us worked hard to get into and get through. You don’t sound cool when you suggest these competitive schools are worthless; you sound like an elitisit. If your point is that education is

As someone who always roots against the Celtics, I am glad this man is their leader.

LeBron: “I want to go to LA. I want to go to LA when it has a team that can make it to the championship. This is my dream.”

Glad I kept my mouth shut about this for weeks.

I really thought Adam Levine was some guy who once was on American Idol. But until it was mentioned here, I thought Maroon 5 was composed mostly of blacks. So, you know, I’m old and don’t pay attention to this rockity and rolly music (or do they play the hippity hop music?).

Its also not a good example. I picked up the cheese curd variety at Target, and it wasn't great. Heggies is much better. 

It’s almost like there’s a vast right-wing conspiracy. If only someone had warned us it might be a thing...

Free booze & those guys will show up anywhere.