You should reverse this. Slow cook at a low temp until it’s almost cooked through. Pat the surface dry and blast it with heat at the end to form a crust. It’ll be more evenly cooked than the traditional method.
You should reverse this. Slow cook at a low temp until it’s almost cooked through. Pat the surface dry and blast it with heat at the end to form a crust. It’ll be more evenly cooked than the traditional method.
This sounds like Clarkson got tired of being told “you can’t do that because lawsuit” and decided to just go over the top with it to make the BBC look pedantic and envious.
This is terrible news. I can’t imagine WEC without Audi.
Can a staffer be nominated for #COTD?
Wtf has happened to Jalopnik? Guy “mods” his car by making the factory bypass valve stay open to have the stock exhaust a bit louder and people are complaining that it’s not fair to the general public? Gimme a break people.
I watched him run up and he did look like he had the gait of someone with a fake leg (where the one leg goes out and circles back to the front since it cannot bend the same way), but then I saw the leg hair so I am guessing they aren’t making replacements with that yet.
Really? They’re letting him get away with that shit? I bet Custer’s team has already picked out a car they’re willing to sacrifice to punt Nemecheck high into a fence.
‘Twas horseshit. I’ve been around stock car racing all of my 31 years and that is the single most shameful race ending I have ever witnessed. Nemechek should be parked for embarrassing everyone associated with the race and taking away a good ending from everyone who watched it.
That is the most deliberate attempt to wreck someone I have ever seen. If I was in charge Nemechek would have been DQ’d. That kind of bullshit disgusts me.
I am insulted.
I don’t understand why every game (within reason) doesn’t have New Game +. It’s a major selling point for me too
I’m no linguist, but I believe the correct terminology may be “todger”. A “wanker” is someone who pulls his todger.
because a plate of spaghetti isn’t being investigated for sexual assault by the police.
Bit fucking late now, we just had our country stolen by a bunch of jingoistic, ignorant, misguided twats.
“It probably helps if you already own a GT owner,”
WRC cars are road legal, that’s half the point.