It is what it is.
It is what it is.
By this token, we should make December 6th a holiday, the day the 13th amendment was ratified. A better choice than Juneteenth.
That’s exactly why we should f**k Juneteenth.
Tell Texas that if they want to make a two-year-late non-event a holiday, they can be my guest. But since the Emancipation Proclamation itself didn’t actually end slavery, I’ll pass.
The Phantom had a scene that had played out so often in the comic strip: Some one would look at Rex, and say, “That’s not a dog... it’s a wolf!” To which the Phantom would often smile and say: “I know!” Billy Zane’s smile and “I know!” was so perfectly, joyfully delivered and classic that it made up for every single…
5 years ago, I had a link to a page that explained that the human body, with all its proteins and chemicals and biological processes, plus those of the essential biological entities that live within it, could be named, but all of it would take ages to write out or read. Wish I still had that link.
You don’t their help. Get to the 50% of American voters who DIDN’T BOTHER TO VOTE, and you’ll roll over the 25% who voted Republican.
It never ceaces to amaze me how much of reality Americans can blissfully shut out, when it suits them.
My favorite example of Litotes, from Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade: When Donovan picks a grail, drinks from it, and it consumes him, the Knight says:
“He chose... poorly.”
See, and he’s really looking.
“Maybe the solution is to have more diversity in the members. But does that mean we are saying that to have more black academy members would result in more black nominations? Is that not racist itself?”
Ten plot devices you’ll find in science fiction - over and over again
Well-p, no surprise here. The big question now is, how long before Sam decides the “Captain America” mantle should go back to Steve, and he renames himself to “Century 21” or something.
At $80,000 to $140,000? That ain’t it.
(Popular Science fixed that title for ya.)
I just lost my appetite for the rest of the weekend.
I SO want to be her when I grow up.
All of these criticisms of biometrics are (quite fairly) based on the current standard of biometric systems, which simply take and store a picture of a fingerprint, eye, etc, and use it to verify your identity. But biometrics can be much more secure than they are, by adding "physical verification" (proof that you are…
The thing about remembered passwords, no matter how long or complex, is that if they are remembered, they can also be obtained, by torture, hypnosis, keystroking, or simply enough digging into your public records to know you well. They are no more secure than a biometric. That's why, if we improve biometrics to make…