
As an American living in England, unless you’re planning on selling the car in the UK at the end of the trip, just buy over here. $30,000 over here equates to nearly £24,000 post-Brexit and there are all manners of Alfas, Land Rovers, Porsches, Maseratis, any French car, and so on and so forth that you’ll never have a

Wonder how many confederate flag wavers are telling Hillary supporters “you lost, get over it”?

I was drinking a Mountain Dew during the interview process. EXTREME!

Challenge accepted:

Cutler is making elite QB money

I thought it was an awesome shooting brake coupe thingy. Only reason I clicked on the article tbh... now I’m sad.

I saw that, too, and was really excited because it looked GOOD as a wagon. Then I saw it was just a boring-ass sedan and went back to my scheduled not-giving-a-single-fuck about Lexus.

America I the only one who thought that the LF-FC was a wagon at first glance?

As a Cubs fan, I’m going to miss the spark he provided in our lineup, and the fact that he genuinely seems like a good, smart, sports dude. I know you can’t paint entire fan base with one brush, but the BFIB are not doing themselves any favors in this instance.

You’re welcome back any time, Dex.

That looks awful.

POLITICS IS NOT SPORTS! Stop getting your identity from this crap and think!

Yes, odd that people were more concerned with who was leaking the information when it was their team another country attempting to influence our national election in favor of one very specific candidate versus what is likely a concerned staffer whistle blowing on a federal official committing illegal and vaguely

It was bad enough when Trump blatantly lied about “Draining the Swamp (GTFO! nobody’s buyin’ that shit!) and started filling his cabinet with the absolute most-estlabished shitheads he could find, now he’s trying to one-up that lie by filling his cabinet with CRIMINALS! THAT WERE FIRED FROM THE OBAMA ADMINISTRATION

It is a truly dirty and disgusting show, and I’ve enjoyed every minute of it, once I could comprehend about 70% of the words Tom Hardy growled.

This is a cultural issue. Where young is from having multiple partners isn’t a big deal.

That’s just the follow through on the practice swing.

I guess they don’t cover Marbury vs Madison at Oral Roberts Unversity law school.

It sure is weird that he hasn’t come forth with all the fixes he said he had during the election.

how are they good for a chuckle if it’s the same fucking cars over and over again? do you have memory problems?

Cause Alabama is not a shithole...