I hate doing that, and I know many people that do. I don't "buy an XBOne on release day" hate it, but I see the appeal of an all-in-one.
I hate doing that, and I know many people that do. I don't "buy an XBOne on release day" hate it, but I see the appeal of an all-in-one.
Oh, don't get me wrong, I'd laugh, but I'd do it while going "Awww" to my daughter at the same time.
Being a dad all I can think of is how bad I feel for that little girl...
I know they're pushing their weakest platforms, but a top-down cash in Halo shooter isn't going to convince me to "upgrade" to Win 8. On the inverse I'd totally buy this if it were an XBLA game, especially if it had co-op.
Sorry, as great as he looks there were 20+ better ACTUAL DC characters that needed to be part of the game first.
You have 600 bucks to just drop on a whim?
Tony is very specific about the fact that he's no longer chained to the suit, not that he's quitting being Iron Man. Besides, if he made 30+ suits between The Avengers and Iron Man 3 odds are he can make a new one when necessary. The idea here is that he's whole and doesn't need his suits to escape his issues.
All the new Kinect stuff is all well and good, but if I can't just a good old fashioned plastic remote I'm out. Try using a Kinect when you have young children repeating everything you say to the Xbox. I unplugged mine solely for the fact that it tried to listen to my kids, and now I don't want to use anything but a…
Way to judge everything on one non-video game related press conference.
He gets points for the fact that his background looks like it could be in the Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon art.
So glad someone brought this up. I've had this exact same conversation multiple times in less than 24 hours. The end result always ends up the same: people say they understand that this is the new Xbox, and that it's a really stupid name.
Good. I don't want a flooded market. XBLIG got overrun with loads of terrible games, making good ones impossible to find. But on that note, it should be easier to become a new publisher. Lots of publishers work PC/PS3 that don't have Xbox publishing rights.
I'm guessing this won't be used for real metrics, as someone can simply refresh the page and vote again. There is no storing of IPs per vote, so it *could* be easy to sway the vote if someone wanted to.
If they stop bloating "[x] unique cars and courses" with 50 Skyline variants and 5 different layouts of a track I'll bite. I hated that so much with GT4.
Ironic: Poignantly contrary to what was expected or intended http://www.thefreedictionary.com/ironic
Anyone else find it ironic that a "violent video games" post is right above a post about getting your head chopped off in a video game? :P
Whoever is holding that cup has the most alien hands I've ever seen.
Huh. I'll have to play through as Spock after I finish the game as Kirk. I hate that you can't switch back and forth, too.
I'm enjoying it so far, but it ABSOLUTELY has a lot of AI fails. Most of mine came in Spock not actually following me. The game looks good enough for what is now an extremely aged system, but it fails with extremely clunky animations at times. Conversations should (sometimes) be more Mass Effect-esque to hide the…
That was my first thought - the turtle pace these karts go at.