Steve McQueen

Gotta give them credit for showing their cards here and trusting Gottlieb not to steal them.

Though he’d be flattered to have most of an NBA team ask him.

My wife and I were in VA Beach for a wedding. At the time she was 7 mos preggo. There was a golf tournament in town and some of the tour people were staying at our hotel. Long story short; We were entering the hotel and Earl Woods was in front of us. He let the heavy door slam in my wife’s face. He knew she was

You think a guy who wants a long term contract with the Jets gives a damn about winning.

Since it’s PA, I’m surprised he didn’t get another year on his sentence for not buying the beer on the second Tuesday of the month between 12:30-4:15pm from a licensed beer distributor in a 24 or 96 pack.

I had one of these in my apartment for about a year and I was never drunker longer and had more friends than at anytime in my life. I also had an industrial sized bottle of Mexican valium that I brought back from across the border that we were all eating like candy.

I had one of these in my apartment for about a year and I was never drunker longer and had more friends than at