
Not impressed until she makes it out of a Jenga set.

This is actually kinda kool. Even though both Cloud and Lightning are the most boring characters personality wise in their respective games.

Just ordered my free $50 ear buds!

Its kinda bad that I have to read the headers to realize who each set of figures are.

Watched first 3 eps then got sidetracked for a few weeks by Titan and catching up on Shippuden. Ill have to get back to this!

Best DLC

KOTR. I am NOT ashamed of never playing WOW

Haha. The mini Voldermort doesnt have a nose!

Just got the Psycho last night on PS3 for $10.

If you are running more on the balls of your feet, your calves will take a week or two to get used to it. Heel striking doesnt use the calves as much. I try to run midsole.

Train graveyard? I thought it was called the "Random battles every 5 steps graveyard"

I just want a faster PS browser that supports flash video please.

I think it looks bad. Id love to have the figures in the above pic, but I cant see myself spending $50 for that.

Should have been either Jaba or Boba

I thought EpIII was grown up. The end was pretty dark.

Wasn't X1 Indian, Knives and the twins were Asian. I never thought that race was an issue when I watched the film.

Having trouble getting Ni no Kuni in my shopping cart.

Reminds me of a guy in this.

Its not a fad diet. Its just more popular now with the rise of crossfit. Eating a variety of whole foods will cover all your vitamin needs. Calcium comes from other sources than just dairy. Also dairy is accepted as long as you don't have any lactose intolerance. I do but I still eat greek yogurt which looses most of