
That is why paleo promotes grass fed beef, and organic produce.

I want a claptrap unit that I can hide inside and ride around in! Hello citizen!


paleo isnt just about losing weight, Its about removing processed foods and chemicals from our plate. These are not natural and not what early man needed to survive. Humans eat way more carbs than we used to and its not necessary. Its also about finding intolerance by eating clean and reintroducing certain foods like

Fats are a cleaner energy source than carbs. I consider myself an athlete and have just as much energy being on paelo as I did when I ate gluten.

Eating as many veggies and some fruit is not necessarily a low carb diet. Also the body can run off of fats as a cleaner energy source than the access carbs the typical person eats.

The jelly is just as bad as the peanut butter but less nutritious.

When will I be able to DL Tiny Tina's Adventure?!

Crow is good too. I also liked the soundtracks for both films. Also Crow 2's soundtrack (NIN)

I hope you are listing Kick Ass under excellent.

What about news articles/novels/graphic novels?!

I dont use my vacations days. If work is open, ill be there.

Whats wrong with them? How about that they arent as good looking as the current ones.

Does android have flux?

I like the PS3 controller but I dont like that the triggers free hang. If I set it down on the couch or floor, I blow myself up with a grinade every time I dont pause my game.

Id love to see the same article about Superman 2. I love that Clark cant swim. That a normal human can walk from the North Pole to a busy truck stop in a light jacket. And you the citizens of Metropolis just stand around and gape as there is a huge battle that destroys much of the downtown area.

Newstand is horrible. HORRIBLE!

One reason i'll be jailbreaking. The other is for f.lux.

I use hair clippers for everything...yes, everything.

None of those red dots are that important. I would only be upset if i had an earlier model than my 4.