Steve MacNeil

Maybe it's my lack of self-awareness, but I think my comments on this thread come across a lot more reasonable and certainly less hostile than yours.

Yep, you got me. Clearly, I'm trying trying to force women back into the kitchen where they belong, one webcomic at a time. I mean, obviously nobody could ever find an honest point of contention about a woman's art without it being part of the larger effort to put women down.

That was only 4 ding dongs. Are you sure it's not 4:00am? (This is what I sound like when I'm actually trying to be a dope.) :-)

Well at least you answered the question, so thanks for that much. I'd beg to differ on several counts. The panel arrangement, the perspective, and the choices of static images she places in the panels to capture the setting - those seem very Ware-ian. The colour composition, and the absence of holding lines between

Well then perhaps tomorrow — you know, once the sun has set on IWD and we're once again allowed to speak about female artists without just rah-rah cheerleading — you can address the question on the merits. Even a simple "you're full of shit and here's why" would suffice, because I would love to have a conversation

Oh, give me a break. What effect does my comment — about the ART, not the GENDER OF THE ARTIST — have? Are you suggesting that only women are permitted to critique other women? Or that a woman's creative output can only be compared with another woman's?
For the record, I have gone and looked at her Tumblr page, and I

I'm not accusing a woman of swiping a man's work, I'm saying one cartoonist's style appears (to me) to be overtly reminiscent of another's. There's no misogynist agenda to my asking the question.

I haven't looked into it beyond the page shown above, but is it all that derivative of Chris Ware's stuff? I mean, that page is almost approaching "swipe" territory.