I almost threw up when I saw that Camry. I know you had to be accurate, but damn. At least warn a guy.
I almost threw up when I saw that Camry. I know you had to be accurate, but damn. At least warn a guy.
I would have thought a bigger issue with the 200 is it’s 47 spd auto box. Those things are awful.
You’re 0 for 5 because you haven’t had the car long enough or bought the car yet. Once you do, meat will lose its appeal, you’ll start shopping at Whole Foods because they have more veggies, you’ll feel peer pressure to wear sandals like the other Whole Foods patrons, your friends will disown you as you are dressing…
Of course..................your thumb.
This is why manufacturers don’t listen to us. Well done.
This. I live in Nc and frequently help people in the snow because my family has alot of 4wd’s, from Raptors to Jeeps to Vehicross’s. This scumbag now will have me worried every time I offer help to someone I don’t know.
I’m going back to the sloth story
It’s been a bit nippy on both coasts I see.