Steve confirms that it is in McCormick Place and is saddened that you did not get to see Rufus Wainwright play, but is optimistic that you will have the chance in the future to do so should you desire!
Steve confirms that it is in McCormick Place and is saddened that you did not get to see Rufus Wainwright play, but is optimistic that you will have the chance in the future to do so should you desire!
Steve believes that was the one! In Chicago at the Arie Crown Theater with Rufus Wainwright opening! Yes?!
Steve has all the pleasure in meeting you, Tsel! Additionally, he is happy that we both share a fondness for Tori's musical artistry!
Steve loves your musical selection!
Thank you, Erg! Those are the kindest words Steve has heard since his comeback, and before it too! Let us only hope that those who are unable to enjoy the good fortune of others are not so myopic that they miss out on even their own! A good evening to you!
Steve thinks you've already thought this through and thinks that you, Erg, know what you are doing and what you are going to do! Additionally, God bless you and your wife! or just Bless you and your wife! as Steve doesn't want to bring religion into this he'll leave it up to you to decide which is the better offering!…
Steve would like to say Hello Everybody on Jezebel! Steve saw Tori Amos in concert a long time ago and she played two pianos at the same time! and he thought that was amazing! Steve heard her play this song live! Very interesting choice and very well executed!
Steve contributes his first post to Deadspin: Up All Night!
Steve believes that sometimes losing is winning and that in cases such as these it is merely a question of what you want to lose more of or win less of that will determine your decision, but would like to add that he feels the way you win more while losing is the way that leaves you with less dog shit on your hands!…
Steve hopes that Martin Johnsrud Sundby's mother is not taking Vidkun Quisling into account when she makes such a statement about her son, then again, Steve realizes Sundby's mother knows him better than most.
Steve makes sleep related decisions when he is exhausted!
Steve thinks BMW started by simply 'taking the wheels off it!'
Steve finished with 0 points, 0 rebounds, and 0 assists, in 0 minutes of playing time but is happy because he still has his day job!
Steve wants to thank you for such good advice in regards to making grilled-cheese and to applaud you for eschewing traditional concepts of food writing such as recipes! Steve believes that you, Albert Burneko, are a pioneer in cooking instruction and will forward this and several other of your other articles to his…
Steve believes in accepting words for the full potential of their meaning, and also, in rare instances, for what they may not mean!
Steve suggests you and your friend go forth with compassion, understanding, and tolerance from now on, but that's just what Steve thinks.
Steve advocates against bombing, even with videotapes!
Steve is here! Yes! Very excited!
Steve is unsure of figure skating rules, but pretty confident that humping would likely result in a points deduction, while simultaneously leading to an unexpected addition!
Steve is color-blind and finds this article useless, but theoretically interesting!