Trump, meet Streisand Effect.
Trump, meet Streisand Effect.
Fantastic. Can’t misconstrue what they’re doing, but I’m sure the right-wing talking heads will find a way.
As an addendum, Russell Wilson released a personal statement on the matter:
i can’t be the only one who thinks that if they wanted to the Troops could get a team together and dominate the nfl.
I’m an Army veteran and I would have kneeled. Fuck the Army, as us grunts used to say.
I love that it wasn’t enough for Alejandro Villanueva to have a moment of reflection in the locker room as the national anthem played. Instead he’s basically Flag Batman responding to the call. “Must...salute...flag.” If you start playing the star spangled banner, that man will show up, hand over heart. Try it right…
Booing during the national anthem? Those true fucking patriots.
Someone needs to tell Villanueva that he’s part of a TEAM and shouldn’t make this about himself.
What drives me nuts is that Steelers can’t at the same time decide that all players will remain in the locker room for the sake of uniformity and then have one player come out to honor the anthem.
Wait wait... You think there’s a plan to this, or anything this ‘President’ does?
Both ways, this is the dumbest shit ever.
Kevin Durant has already burned Trump from four different accounts.
I’m going hiking tomorrow morning, but I also still plan to go for a run on Sunday morning. Thanks for inquiring after my exercise routine. It’s nice to know you care.
Have you always believed in forced acts of patriotism or is it a new thing?
Aw, look at you. How charming.
Any NFL player with an ounce of moral fiber needs to protest in solidarity with Kaep. The very same flag that Kaep is kneeling against is draped behind this megalomaniac, senile racist as he cheerleads for billionaire owners to fire their black employees for protesting social injustices.
Your citation is three years old.
Trump is a dipshit.
He is such a fucking embarrassment.
Oh PLEASE, assholes. PLEASE leave when someone kneels for the anthem. Games will be so much better without you.