
There were zero receivers downfield save the far WR who was clearly trying to block, the offense had completely cleared out of the entire near half of the field, and all the blockers seemed to be ineptly trying to form a seal protecting said empty space. So looking like a run all the way.

I know he’s insufferable and deserves the heaps of crap he gets, but Greggggggg one time wrote about how it’s rarely a double reverse and he was right. It’s an end-around, THEN a reverse. Ball has to start going a direction first before you can logically reverse it. That’s really pedantic, sure, but it makes me cringe

Why, after posting multiples articles ripping Jonathon Taylor and Nick Saban, has there not been an article about the fact the girl was arrested for filing a fake report?

Can we stop with this shit already?

For the exact same reason the media insists on showing that picture (again above) of him looking like the Wild Man of Borneo photo every time it brings up the topic.

Aka: Blatt's doing his best Erik Spoelstra impression.

I enjoyed this response:

Aaron Rodgers in one of the biggest moments in the state's history

Two important things you've missed here, Samer.

J.R. Smith on Cleveland: "It is a city."

2nd best player. Love is awful. 3-15 for 10pts tonight.

LeBron's reaction is awesome.

The original was the best. The last two lacked the mocking of real cliche mannerisms and attempts at "cool" that made the first spoof so funny. These are now just guys doing any random voice/character. Makes no sense!

/throws ball into elliptical machines

The same way you "fix" a horse with three shattered legs.

Also, please recharge your phone. You're making me anxious.

Let me start by saying I had no idea that Suns swingman Gerald Green only has nine fingers

BTW your shitty team should have gotten beat by the lions.

Does Deadspin have people on staff to rub down the writers' collective boners every time a football player gets a concussion?