
Interesting. Yeah, they could have really kept the plot a lot simpler, and still had all of the elements they needed. Two competing alien races have their own unique dystopian plan for humanity, and each are supported by different warring factions of the government, and a believer and a skeptic are brought together to

After reading your comment, it seems like the show couldn’t decide if this was going to be the end or not. Yeah, I know that some of this is about contracts and the desires of the cast members and writers, but everyone should probably have gotten into a room in June 2017 and said “Ok. 1 more season or 2 more seasons?”

I think the reason we end up knowing nothing about William’s abilities is that we end up knowing nothing about William. What kind of show introduces (essentially) a brand new character that has been on-screen for about 20 total minutes before the series finale, and then that character is the most important person in

I’ll be honest. I had lost all sense of what the mythology was 20 years ago, so before watching the last episode, I checked the Wikipedia entry about the X-Files mythology. It was always a gigantic mess, impossible to follow. “Mulder tracks this agent down to find the newest movement of the black oil, but the plot has

The “tertiary characters” part is the problem for me. Specifically, William. When did this become the “Boy Formerly Named William” Show? How is he the dominant character in the final episode of this series, with a 4-minute monologue to start, and the series’ final shot? We have been generally aware for about 18 years

I think the threshold for an enjoyable MOTW episode is that there has to be at least SOME plausible explanation for what is going on. Because two people have decided to play a game of Hangman over someone’s name, a doppelganger appears and has actual physical power to make the victim kill themselves? That makes no

He clearly meant the Coral Ridge Baptist University Patriots, not the New England Patriots. Why does he always have to talk NFL? Do they OWN the name Patriots?

It would be even MORE mistifying if Fisher, or anyone for that matter, drafted Amendola on any fantasy team and made him a flex. That might be worse than not knowing the names of the team you’re about to face.

Note the use of “tremendous” in the first line, then again in the 4th line. An “unbelievable slanted and negative media,” has a grammar issue in it. “You have come out beautifully” sounds like something Ralph Kramden would say in 1956 but not at all what Belichick sounds like. This famously stoic coach also