Steve Ferra

Bringing back Lisa seemed like the only false note here, as it seemed her story was shoehorned in to give Elizabeth a reason for burnout so that she and Phillip would be in the same situation. Otherwise, Gabriel isn't going to give them a break if only one of them is at the end of his rope.

I hadn't, I just recalled that when Nacho was introduced in S1 of BCS that people had pointed this out.

Yeah, but you could tell by the states she was winning that she was a Democrat. They could have scrambled them up to imply some kind of alternate reality, like they did on The West Wing when Santos won South Carolina.

DVD release is scheduled for April 21 in the US.

Herc shows up 15 minutes late as he was still looking for Fuzzy Dunlop.

When we first saw Will's dogs all agitated and edgy, I thought "now that they have a taste for human face, they're not going back to Kibbles & Bits".

When Rorge said his name, it was the first time I had heard it pronounced out loud, I always had it in my head as Rorge with a hard "g" sound rather than a "j" sound. Guess it's the Westeros equivalent of the "how to pronounce gif" debate.

According to the HBO site, that was Black Walder (along with Lame Lothar) who was sent to negotiate the wedding. Little Walder was a kid fostered at Winterfell in the books as part of the original Robb-crosses-the-Twins deal, and

Kony comes to Harlan. Carl Weathers is already on board.

Screw the Sons, full speed ahead with a Linc Potter spinoff. Call it "I Don't Like People" or something similar.  It could be a quirky Terriers-like show from the other side of law enforcement.