
Just too bad he had to leave all Hezbollahngings back in Japan.

Yeah, but you don’t have to Beruit about it.

His growing list of problems Is-rael

Nah, ignore all these guys. You’re from France and have Frexited to the USA. You require a ride to help you acclimatize 

Now playing

They come from France. More headroom, people.

Now playing

Looks like these autos un-pimp themselves

And this is why autonomous cars are a seriously bad idea. Brakes are only one part of a complex algorithm that has to be essentially flawless.


We had a 1988 Voyager LE, custom-ordered in dark blue with wood-grain paneling *throws horns*, 5 speed manual *more horns*, blue interior (obviously), and the “high-end” Infinity AM/FM Cassette stereo. Took my driving test in this beast when I turned 16, got 100%. Had to listen to my dad berate the driving instructor

Yeah this seems a little aggressive for a track day. Track days are for driving fast around a track and experimenting with your car. Lap times shouldn’t the be the end all be all. You shouldn’t feel pressured to push through every corner and be on the limit all of the time. Passes should only be when safe to do so and

If that wasn’t a code brown, I don’t want to know what a code brown would be.

I have a crane story of my own.

Can’t wait to watch them rescue that crane

Talk about a hot SEAT!

So here is the deal: you can’t regulate the speed people drive. Can’t be done.


Stef Schrader can have it on the condition that she sets a new Cannonball record with it.

If a single piece of food was acquired from outside the car or if anyone peed outside the vehicle, there’s room for improvement. Seems like the pinnacle would be having some of those support people waiting at the pumps to fill your tank asap. Those pit stops COMPLETELY DESTROY YOUR PACE PLEASE JUST GET BACK IN THE CAR