
yelling “STOP!” has broken up zero* fights in the history of ever.

Who needs to own 4 Eleanor style fastbacks? That’s easy! A movie studio that’s doing a remake, of the remake, of Gone in 60 seconds. With Nicolas Cage as Memphis Rains helping out his son, Nashville Hailstorm. Produced by Michael Bay and directed by Martin Scorsese. 

People have become reliant on technology. If their blind spot warning isn’t going off, then already poorly skilled drivers wont even care to check the blind spot before changing lanes. No one even knows how long their cars are anymore, just rely on rear view cameras for reversing.

The same technologies praised for reducing motorway fatalities are resulting in increased amounts of inattentive drivers who don’t care to look for cyclists or pedestrians.


*In Car Camera*:

it’s super popular at the preschool when i drop the kid off

Is it just me or does the side profile look like a Mustang?

Motorcycle racers > any other vehicular motorsport racers

Good lord just walk to your car already.

Had an S550 Mustang, it babied just fine with a rear-facing seat.  But you had to sacrifice all the space for the front seat passenger.  And once you have another kid (he will) you’re back to square one again.

Cheerios and velocity stacks don’t mix. Ask me how I know!*

*I don’t really know.

Sounds like he likes domestics so buy something that’s probably going to appreciate in value. The SS

IMHO, you did it right.  If you are going with a domestic sports car from Ford, Dodge or Chevy, the V8 is the way to go because otherwise, whats the point?  Its like going to a world class burger joint and order a veggie patty.

Nah, the A7MEH is Canadian because it’s plastered across the “aboot,” not the decklid like American cars.

That’s the Canadian version.

Engineering is Hard

Germany is a world leaders in emissions reductions...until they get caught.

“I’m soooo manly with my Raptor. Audis are for chicks, man. I spent $90,000 on this luxury truck that will never have anything in the bed, but the most important thing to me is that I don’t look like a chick, even with my heated/cooled seats and 16 cameras that show me how to stay in the lane.”

Those don’t eat up your cell phone data? That’s my only guess.