
They’ll adore their Porsche 911 RSJ4TR, which was driven by Jürgen Hanschustermann at the vaunted Targa Bore-io, a race that was only held once because all the spectators spontaneously combusted.

How about a car that doesn’t have chimes at all? Yep, that would be much better.

If this car needed 100 pages of maintenance history to make it to 96k, then it’s going to need 100 more pages to make it to 125k.

You’re 30 and consider that “ getting old?”

I’m assuming we all have that friend. My group of friends has the one friend who we hate or just flat-out refuse to drive with because he:

Agreed, but I bet these hit a sweet spot for CPO cars in a couple years.

I imagine the crash Goebbeled up a lot of the commuters’ afternoon

Poor pilot had to heil an Über.

101 is not the Reich runway. 

I bet these commuters on the 101 did Nazi that plane coming.

So, the rules are “Ridiculous” way to spend a ton of money on cars, right?

I want. Checks bank account. Stands in corner and pouts. 

Fail Rated.

Honestly, with all the scandals and such and how things have been called.

Actually, it’s like someone put two I4's in there that share the same crank.

No..... gonna get some hate here, but that car sounds like ass. Sorry, but its true.

Sounds better? Sounds awful compared to a regular V8. Sounds like someone stuck a high-strung I4 in there.

What about Tesla Owners Unique Club of Highly Enthusiastic Deliveries.

Growing up on a farm, we were huge loyalists to Chevrolet. Had nothing but GM products for years. That may have bitten my father in the bum.