
That’s a shallow analysis of Everton and soccer in general. There are 10 outfield players on a pitch. Keeping the ball out of your own net is one aspect. Putting the ball in your opponent’s net is another aspect. And yet another, and probably the most important aspect, is pushing the ball from your end into the

Everton are 7th in the table and closer to being in 2nd than 9th. If you removed all of Lukaku’s goals and replaced them with zero they’d be about level with West Brom who’s right behind them on goal differential. I think they’d have no problems staying “afloat” without him.

That’s one take. Another is that Lukaku—a world-class player toiling on a lesser squad, who has nearly single-handedly kept Everton afloat this season with his 21 goal—was frustrated by both the match and the season as a whole, and didn’t take kindly to Ashley Williams exuberantly calling him out on the field during

How about Rom’s effort all game was subpar, as was his decision making. When his first touch is crap and he’s having trouble creating changes, he should be making up for that with effort. He wasn’t giving enough when there was a game to win and it doesn’t matter if you’re Zi-fucking-dane if you’re not trying, let

Dude plays the Raptors like 4 times a year smdh

That type of logic is a pillar of the Round-Earth conspiracy. Everyone knows that the world really works on Asteroids rules, wherein if you travel off the edge of one screen you appear from the edge of the next.

Ummm, bronze isn’t an element. It is made up of copper, tin and other trace elements. So you’re still at 14. Keep googling buddy!

I want one of them to explain how GPS and satellite television work with a flat Earth.

Dude if he didn’t learn by elementary school that the earth is round then maybe this whole Betsy Devos thing won’t be much of a change

Seriously, what exactly do flat earthers think is the reason for the deception here? OK, so you think this is a facade to get you to believe that the earth is round when it isn’t. Why!?! Why would someone want you to believe that?

He does make a good point: it sure is awfully convenient that it takes 24 hours for the Earth to rotate, and a year to orbit the Sun.

yeah, because they don’t cover “the earth is round” until your 4th year at Duke.

Only sport that his hands allow him to play.