
Don’t listen to the negative comments below, you are there in a classroom and can see the direct effects. They aren’t and can only base it off their personal experiences.


Well this is mostly historically accurate

This was my first thought! I figured someone else would do it.

Oh sorry, I didn’t see that you made his hand bigger. Nevermind.

Yes, he looks like a potato, but this is a Photoshop contest, you need to photoshop something.

I graduated high school just after the original iPhone launched. I remember my teachers showing it to us in class talking about how great it would be.

This took a lot more work than I was expecting.

Seems almost TOO obvious......

Big frog is trying their best goddamn it. 

Bob... won?

I remember this being announced but not actually released so.

And here’s another...

Speaking of Johnny Mnemonic... here’s one...

These ‘Shop Contest posts aren’t the easiest thing to put together each weekend, but I have no intentions of ending things now. They are always a nice bright spot no matter how dreary the weekend might feel. So thanks for all the laughs and smiles!

What a miserable @#$%ing year! I can’t tell if 2020 is the original botched Sonic movie animation of years or the creepy Sonic mask of years. But a great year for shops! And Punxsutawneyphil was an ex-shell-ent choice for shop of the year!