
Sorry, I forgot to say this earlier: I won’t be here next weekend. (I’m finally doing a big winter break after reviewing TWO big games back to back.) So I’ll be back in 2021 to judge your creations!

Haha I ain’t even mad that you won. Well earned victory here.

Way to go everyone! This ones for you Bob!

This is my list though. I don’t care what other people played!

“We’re gonna need a bigger fish” - Kotaku.

So the Cooking Mama was french? Huh.

Add people faces on the horses, and this is a masterpiece.

May I present my ungodly creation: Neigh-Tos.

I know it’s not a game.

Estuans interius
Ira vehementi
Estuans interius
Ira vehementi

*evil cackle*

Now you do it with a reflection!

I spent all that time wondering if I could, I never stopped to think if I “should”...

Link Who? Every Princess wants a Prince.......a Horse Prince

Congrats everyone!

He was 97. That is a life long lived.