Steve Cook

Oh, so I’m supposed to take seriously the brigade of Incels who broke away from r/TheRedPill long enough to post this crap?

Sterling Hayden was originally supposed to play Quint, but wouldn’t because his entire fee would have gone to pay his tax debt. I can only imagine what he would have done with the Indianapolis monologue. I think he would have put Shaw to shame.

Or they saw the inevitable results of results of what was happening during the Clinton years, namely the restriction of welfare based on false GOP tropes, the repeal of Glass-Steagall, and the rise of Fox News. Many of the ills we suffer from now had their genesis during the Clinton years.

If it were simply the skin prepared Extra Crispy style and pressure fried like regular KFC, it would be crispy and awesome. But yeah, just peeling the skin and putting it in between buns is like someone just fed you a foreskin sandwich.

So you’re saying he had the stones for The Stones?

AVM’s don’t typically cause behavior issues. I’ve known two people with them and they were perfectly normal. And removing them doesn’t require invasive surgery. Angioplasty can be performed and clot them off, where they naturally dissolve. The biggest risk is they’re like a small vial of nitroglycerine that can go off

Aren’t you adorable.

Well nobody is banging Stephen Miller.

Honestly, someone would have to be real thirsty to even think of doing anything with Miller

I can’t tell if you’re a really bad troll, or just a run-of-the-mill MRAndroid with Aspergers.

Whatever you say, Jeff.

We now know Comic Book Guy’s username.

...speaking of “bitching and moaning”...

Scathers gonna scathe.

Or an A-26.

Thanks for the five second art lecture, Edge Lord.

I disagree. Some Pollock paintings are more accessible than others, but they’re aren’t to be “experienced” rather viewed as any other painting. There is a coherency and depth there if you look beyond the first layer of paint. That’s when you being to see what he was creating, which is multi-layered painting with an

So basically the entire town is a living Wes Andersen movie.


Don’t forget Salinas.