Not from around here, are you?
Not from around here, are you?
That’s a long way to Paso Robles.
You mean 101.
Oh my god. He was being creative when trying to say the couple was taking forever to order and he refilled their glasses twice. Did no one else get that?
There’s a difference between the use of an apostrophe to indicate the plural possessive, and the use of an apostrophe as a matter of style. Which in this case illustrates the difference between a pedantic grammar Nazi and a pro writer.
“Dear Victor the Cleaner...”
Sweeten it and you can name it “Pussy Whip” and sell it as a dessert topping.
I would have pointed out he was the one who ordered the strawberry daquiri.
Perhaps they should change the name from “Jezebel” to “Regina George.”
Give it time. Cameron and the rest of the Hitler Youth will have you looking like the States in short order.
Thank you for that.
It reminds me of Woody Allen’s bit: “My girlfriend uses an oral contraceptive. She says “no.”
Every article in the New Yorker, New York, the Times, Vanity Fair, and GawkerJezebelWhatever is about 10 super assholes/assholettes in Manhattan.
The sorority didn’t cause the delay, the TSA did.
Don’t make us break out the tranquilizer darts again.
Actually, you are sticking up for the asshole drivers by continuing to flog a dead horse in blaming the guy who made it pretty clear what the circumstances were.
You go to Nana’s to fix her computer.
Maybe she’s Dutch.
You mean "the missionary position."