Steve Burstein

I wish the film had tried to explain why the Lovings weren't arrested after they went back to Virginia to live. Did the cops just think they had bigger fish to fry?

They were both. At any rate, DUCK SOUP was a comedy about a War, but it wasn't strictly speaking "Anti-War".

Likelier because of nitrate decomposition. There WERE postcode showings of it in neighborhood theatres, because an exchange could still have a print.

And they trashed William Beaudine Sr, on the basis of his B films, apparently unaware of the good films he'd made in the US and Britain in the 20s and 30s. And everybody jumped on that bandwagon, as if his B films were worse than everybody else's.

They found a very short clip(with no actors)in a Pete Smith(I think) short.

Audiences in 1933 just thought that DUCK SOUP was a collection of Vaudeville gags that they'd heard before. The public WAS anti-war in 1933, and serious anti-war films had done better. DUCK SOUP used war as a backdrop to hang the gags on.

AT THE CIRCUS was a Mervyn Le Roy production, which was hardly the B unit.

The Brothers went into that situation more than willingly, because they wanted to make prestige films(especially Groucho).

DUCK SOUP really didn't flop. It probably made a good gross, but didn't make a profit due to the film's budget. The Marx Brothers left Paramount over a bitter money fight rather than SOUP.

And people are going to be walking around thinking that movies in 1941 had inter-titles like silent films in the 20s had.