Here are some reasons to be on skid row at night: buy drugs. End of list.
Here are some reasons to be on skid row at night: buy drugs. End of list.
That grin by the security guard in the background is fucking priceless.
This whole vine is a series of amazing things.
1) Defenders use of the modified Super Crab stance. Making for maximum non-deffense.
2) the absurd, "Around your back" dribble that only works on white dudes under 5' 6" (Biebs prime opponents)
3) The supreme level of flop.
4) Defenders "Wha-happened?!" look at the camera.
More like S0-SQUEE!!!, amirite?
The streets of Sochi really are strewn with litter.
Wait, wait, wait. All this crap about how Sochi is a hell-hole, and you mean to tell me that it's really the land of puppies?
Bit of advice. Don't be That Guy. No one will talk to you at parties.
You have entered POWER DRIVE.
I vajazzle the side of my dick with "Here cums trouble" (can only fit "her" but I hope with some herbal supplements I can get the whole message on some day).
and four streetball players
This is revolting, unwelcome, and hilarious.
I'll have to take your word for it, Sean. I don't really know anything about the correct motion for throwing an asshole.
For $100k I am throwing it however the fuck gets me that money.
Ah, Mexico... Land of Zero Fucks Given!