Steve Bowling

wow goku looks weird here what super saiyan level is this

I’m extremely pleased with this UI update in general. SO much faster to do the basics. Best thing since the blades. I’ve been using my Xbox a LOT since Halo 5 came out (and I actually just completed Halo 1-4 on solo legendary for dat sweet sweet Helioskrill armor) so this couldn’t have come at a better time for me.

I always kind of loved the bugs, they ensured a truly unique experience. That said I play on PC and 90% of the time someone will fix it through a mod or a simple console command to rectify issues.

This, all day long.

I like Jacob but can’t beat Evie when it comes to personality. She’s a badass and is cute, can't beat that lol


I think that’s what it is for me. I like to avoid fights and stuff when I can so I’m more of a stealth player. She has been a lot of fun and I like her personality too.

It’s funny. Jacob would win against any other AC protagonist except Evie and Ezio. So Evie it is. Really likable protagonists this time around.

Some real compelling points from a YouTube millionaire.

Just remember: While the Japanese and the European rewards will be in the form toys, stickers, handbags, and the occasional digital download; the American version of the rewards will always be digital downloads of something you already bought.

Half-Life 3m/s

If you guys will excuse me for a second....

Carbon Canines.

Kickstarter Announced For Kojima’s Steel Shift Bulky. Launches December 1.