Steve Bowling

Hey buddy, you should really read the story I linked. To quote:

The latter.

because they already had amiibo gated features I believe.

Was it a very good Batman game? Or just a mediocre tank combat game?

Yup, nailed it. Time to go get more wine.

This is us, Steve Bowling. Not much more to add.

Tina, if you cannot solve my riddles twelve, you will never escape the Kotaku Mindpalace. Nyahahahahahaha.

D’awww so sad to see you go :( Although... there’s twitter...................... so..... you’ll be around! Thanks so much for your support and your entertaining articles ^^ you’ll be missed! <3

Oh man. This is not news I expected today.

Omgosh! <3 I super appreciate this. One of the greatest benefits of my job has been to take in freelancers and help/watch them grow, and it’s truly been my honor to be there for them in that. So, you’re welcome and thank you :)

Guys maybe if we never stop commenting on this she won’t be able to leave.

NO! :(

Dude Justin Bieber is totally making a comeback rn just you wait