Steve Bowling

A few more tidbits:

Same. Watched trailer; bought instantly.

Great review.

Fuck that. Where's crispy M&Ms??

Yes, kudos. Nice gaming history here. I would read book by this person.


GBD is on main Kotaku? Wut?

Oh lucky you, two hands. I can count them on one.

As I said below, I spent a lot of time in first place. I've gotten solid golds all the way across the 50cc and 100cc GPs, and I'm about halfway to solid golding the 150cc GPs. I've gotten the horn all of about 6 times in all my playing.

You kidding me? Dear God, what am I doing with my money.

Neat. As a head's up, that'll probably be Uplay only.

I like your phantasy star reference.

Thanks for the article, it really struck a chord with me.

Ah i'm glad. It's good to know positive things come out of this. I don't feel ashamed though. It's just at this point something that was merely a request to use different terms bloated into something much bigger that in fact now IS distracting from the actual topic on hand like some of my critics say.
I'd rather have

before the edit women were exclusively referred to as "females". Was mostly just pointing it out as something that Brian might want to change, which he did. Not sure why everyone else is thinking i'm making a huge issue of it. Starting to think i just shouldn't have engaged people replying to me...

We shall agree to disagree on that matter, but can we at least compromise on the fact that Final Bout is the video game form of an abortion? The fact that Final Bout was released here twice and this one was ignored... ugh.