Steve Bowling


That's still a good GPU mate. Happy gaming!

This isn't incompetence people, this is EXTREME P.C. BUILDING!! Fuck thermal paste, fuck putting the CPU on first, just stack that shit in mid air and slam it down baby!

What was that about ugly PC cases again?

He doesn't know, or doesn't want to know, that the Year of Luigi is over. Get help, Luigi, we love you even if the year is gone.

Those expressions, without audio the imagination takes over about the audio.

Damn! Luigi poping wheelies on mofos.

That's what strikes me about some of these: they're arguably easy to do. Going back to John Titor for a second: how hard is it to pull stuff out of your ass and pretend you're from the future, really? There are probably a bunch of people who already do that! Still, they don't all become famous.

Gets around royalty rights?

Might I suggest both?

I don't even care about Sailor Moon, but thank the gods that never happened.

Yep, you'll be all "look at all these molotovs I'm totally planning on using strategically in this room here" and then he appears, messes your shit up, freaks you out, and just leaves you there, molotovless.

This was supposed to be funny, but... it kinda ended up just being badass. Oh well. Enjoy!

Forget Shia and her 'talent', it's all about Impa.

Its not an app, but you CAN access Miiverse from your phone. You can view pictures, comments, and even write text comments of your own. Its really useful... unless you want to draw on the go - no mobile drawing unfortunately.

Great analysis! Similar feelings to mine (minus the kid; not quite there yet, heh), tho my "main" machine is the PC, not the PS4.