Steve Bowling

Child of Light will be coming to PlayStation Vita on July 1. Ubisoft's very pretty role-playing game will be a digital download for Sony's handheld game system. You can read Kotaku's review of the game right here.

Well, I also didn't mention their incredible skill at making great system menu music. Seriously. Kirk wrote a terrific post about it.

I'll always love you Nintendo. Just keep doing what you're doing.

Everyone has theories, of course. Some are even outlandish: maybe the videos are someone's attempts to communicate with aliens? It doesn't help that among the 77,000+ videos uploaded by Webdriver Torso, there will occasionally be abnormalities. For example, there is one video of the Eiffel Tower amidst the thousands

PSA: Mario Kart 8 is the 10th 11th Mario Kart. Just in case you were counting. In related news, Mario Kart 64 was not actually the 64th Mario Kart. Also: the new Mario Kart is pretty good.

I like motion controls when they're done right (Hello, Wii Sports Resort). When they're done wrong (Hello, Steel Battalion: Heavy Armour), oh boy.

My favorite quote "No one has ever done that in the history of Dota!!"

I agree, and it sounds like a total scam play has occurred. Fail to complete the project, whether intentional or not, and then gather up the cash and make a run for the border.

I've only bought one "Early Access" title so far—-DayZ, and that was because Bohemia Interactive is a known and trusted publisher (Despite my personally never having bought on of their games, I have several friends who greatly enjoy the ARMA franchise, so generally just good word of mouth)

Game still isn't nearly

I think "cancel" is a too harsh word here. I'd say at one point we just had to decide that the game is finished.

Fair enough. I that believes details (literally, in this case) and context changes everything. An implied breast represented by a single pixel is less of a breast than one that physically resembles a breast. That said, your opinion also has merit based on intent. The art is just too distorted in this situation for

Sorry but Samus, since the very first Metroid game, has always been a bombshell under her gear. In all honesty the current "zero suit" is one of the most conservative of all her zero suit iterations.

I still say we should've gone with this for the header image.